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Who is our enemy in this war?

Statement by Greek and foreign academics against xenophobia In Greece we witness a xenophobic and racist hysteria fuelled by a wide...

Σπύρος Μαρκέτος, Οι σοδομίτες

Η ιδέα της θεοξενίας, ότι δηλαδή ο ξένος μπορεί και να είναι μεταμφιεσμένος θεός, κι επομένως τον αντιμετωπίζουμε με σεβασμό,...

CADTM statement. Puerto Rico rises.

To “pay” the debt of 70 billion dollars supposedly owed by the Island, the Fiscal Board of Puerto Rico approved more cuts, which ...

Frank Lee, The EU’s other Periphery.

Much of the attention to European development – or the lack of it – has been preoccupied with the gap between the West and South of...

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